Thursday, February 21, 2008

Move into the nook

See that closet behind the armoire/cabinet? Two feet deep, eight feet long. Can't use more than 3 or 4 feet of it.

So let's get rid of it. Reduced the actual closet area to the far left three feet wide, open up the other five feet, install shelves floor to ceiling.

It helps having a handy hubby (hi Sheldon). Painted the walls inside a sagy green, rose gloss on the shelves. Some are 10" deep, some 14". Spacing between varies to accommodate different items.

Cool huh! All loaded up with goodies. Still some trim out to do and there will be a light in there. Also a curtain is going up to hide it all.

Stay tuned, there is the rest of the room you know....


bobbie said...

Hi, Sheldon!!! Good work there, dearie! I can't wait to see the rest of it!!!

Tara O said...

It's looking good!!!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful Joyce!! Thanks for taking care of Joyce and doing up her scrap room Sheldon.

Its going to be wonderful when it is done!!!